Thursday, April 30, 2020

Monster's Vest!

We had a wonderful Live Session today and have completed "11" days of Distance Learning which I think is totally awesome! Thank you to all the parents of Room 18 for their consistent efforts towards the home learning!

Today Room 18 presented the vests/sweaters/t-shirts that they designed/made, one just like the Monster wears in the story!

Here are the awesome pictures I received :D Some of them are decorated with paint, some with glitter, some are made on a real t-shirt, some have rhyming words written on them and they all look amazing!

Skylah-Rose's Vest

Jigraaj's Shirt with a cute tie!

Eliza's T-shirt decorated with beautiful glitters!

 Ella's Polka Dot T-shirt with a colourful "E"

Kelly's wonderful rhyming words 

 Evelyna's cool t-shirt with her initial!

Mrs. G's jersey!

Distance Learning Day 11!

Here is Jigraaj's super duper work from Day 11 of Distance Learning!

Ella's Creation for ANZAC DAY!

Medals and Poppy

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Awesome Day 10!

We had an amazing Day 10 today, here is a sneak peek inside our Monster's Lunch Box!

Hope you enjoy the video!

Listen for the "crunch" and "munch" sounds when the Monster eats his "lunch".

Monster's Lunch Boxes!

We had an amazing live Session today. 

Our book of the week is Monster's Lunch and today, Room 18 presented the Lunch Boxes they made/designed for the Monster in the story! 

Lots of superstars turned up for the Live Session with amazing Lunch Boxes.

 Here are the pictures I received, I will keep adding more as I receive them :D

Eliza's Lunch Box

Ella's Lunch Box

Jigraaj's Lunch Box

Patrick's Lunch Box

Mrs. G's Lunch Box

Patrick's Day 10 of Distance Learning!


Jigraaj's Reading Activity!

Reina's Amazing Work!

Reina's Mum shared that Reina has been consistent and has been working hard to finish her Home Learning, here is a wonderful collection of her work from the last couple of days!

Distance Learning Day 10!

Here is Jigraaj being consistent with his home learning with the help of his superstar Mum, Jaspreet!
He has done some Maths, counting to 200 and the letter of the day "Mm".


Last Week's Poem- This is me!

Great picture Patrick! And wonderful story!

Patrick's Super Learning from Day 9

Great Job Patrick with your consistent efforts towards your Online Learning! Thanks to Superstar Mum, Monique for all the support and for sharing the pictures!

Maths- Ten's and One's

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jigraaj's super learning!

Place Value

Skip Counting


Blend "pr" words with examples

Eliza's Poppy!

Distance Learning Day 9!

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great day and had a lovely long weekend. Awesome Live Session this morning, loved having Morning Tea with all my Super Stars!

Here is a story for you, hope you enjoy it!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Super Day 8!

We had an awesome Live Session today. Room 18 dressed up as "Greedy Cat" - our shared book for the week.

There were lots of Greedy Cats who joined the Live Session looking super cute! 
Some of us made whiskers, kitty ears and some of us made masks!

Here are the pictures I received, will keep adding to this as I receive more :)

P.S Just a reminder that there is no live session on Monday as it is a Public Holiday. See you all on Tuesday.

Have a great long weekend, keep safe :D

Mrs. G as Greedy Cat


Eliza as Greedy Cat

 April as Greedy Cat

Ella as Greedy Cat posing with her Greedy Cat


 Jigraaj with a Greedy Cat mask on

Skylah with a Greedy Cat mask on

Patrick's Poppy Flowers

Katalina's preparations for ANZAC Day

Happy Faces!


Here are Eliza and Nikit, with big smiles on their face. 

Eliza is dressed up as the "Greedy Cat" from the shared book we have been doing this week and is holding the shopping bag she designed with her Mum for one of our activities.

Nikit is really happy and is holding the resources he received in his Home Learning Pack.

(You will be receiving yours soon as well if you have not already, they are on their way)